Help Guides
Go to to start a 30 days free trial. Enter your e-mail address, password and store name.
After you select Save Changes, you will see a “Tell us a little about yourself” page.
On the next page, enter your personal details i.e. name, address and contact no. If you started a corporation, use your business address. Otherwise, use your home address.
Click on Start Store, you will get a verification mail to your e-mail address.
Once you’ve verified your account, you’re all set to go!

Your domain name is what your customers type in the browser’s URL bar to visit your store (i.e., In most cases, your domain name should be your store name (i.e.,
You can easily purchase your domain name through dynashop
or you can also register your existing custom domain.
To purchase your domain, click on dropdown of Manage Domain and then click on Purchase, a new tab to purchase domain will occur. You simply have to search for your domain name along with extension. The results will appear in a minute and you can easily buy it from there.
If you have your custom domain, simply click on Custom and enter your domain name, then select your domain from your domain lists and update it.
Note: Don’t forget to update your DNS record.

A theme is a pre-created website design you can add to your store to make it look pretty without writing code. There are hundreds of themes to choose from; some are better than others.
To select theme for your store, go back to Online Store > Themes > Click on All themes and select theme as per your liking.

Once you’ve chosen a theme, it’s time to customize it to your liking!
You can simply customize your theme like header color, footer color, contact us, social links, payment headings, etc.
After customizing your theme as per your liking, don’t forget to click on Submit.

Now it’s time for the fun part- Adding products
To Add a product to your store, click Products > then All Products > then Add New Products.
Now, if you’re looking to add your custom products to your store, Click on Add Custom Products.
Enter your product name, description, category, product image and every other essential details.
If you don’t have your custom products, not to worry. You can easily plan to import your products from Cj dropshipping, this will help you out to automatically import products to your store. Soon, we’re also coming up with many other drop shippers for your assistance.
To import your products from Cj dropshipping, click Products > All Products > Add New Products > then Import Products.

Manage Your Pricing
Pricing is straightforward. Your price is the price customers will pay.
To manage pricing of your products whether it’s your custom product or imported product, you simply have to click Products > All Products > Add New Products > then Manage Pricing.

A collection is a group of similar products, based on types, tags, vendors, etc. They help your customers find similar products. For example, “Men’s Shirts” could be a collection.
To create one, proceed to Products > Collections > then Click Main Category.
If you are wishing to list some products in sub or child categories, have a look under the Main Category button. You will find the option for Sub Category and Second Child Category.

In this, configure your payment gateway so customers can use online payment methods to purchase.
For now, we have Stripe to partner us; later on you can add other payment providers, such as PayPal, but it’s not necessary now. To configure payment gateway, Click on Payment Gateway > then Stripe.
Next, Click on “Click here to Get Secret Key and Publish Key” and you’ll redirected to stripe page, fill out every information and then you’ll get a Publish and Secret key for your gateway. Insert that keys in your store and you’re all set to go with dynashop.
If you followed along and published your store — Congratulations!
If not, no worries. Click the button below to get guides, which helps you to create your store.